Tuesday, May 10, 2016

What the hell have I done?!

Now that the euphoria of "the decision" is over, so begins the hard part.

By most accounts, almost every piece of the research I have done on art galleries would suggest that I'm totally OUT OF MY FREAKING MIND for even contemplating what will very likely be a losing venture especially given how shallow my pockets will be after covering all the requisite start up costs.

(At least admitting it is the first step, right? * gulp *)

It seems even the most established galleries often struggle to make ends meet, let alone turn a meaningful profit, but I guess it all comes down to the fact that unless I try for myself I will never really know. I mean, what if I can shoot the things I love and make a living at it? Isn't this the dream of every photographer, or every artist??

Time will tell. At least heading into this thing fully conscious of the risk alleviates some degree of high expectations. Ultimately, it will either work, and I can become an example of what is possible in the face of improbable odds, or I will fail knowing that at least I gave it a shot, which is still more that most.

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