Monday, May 16, 2016

Second thoughts

I probably shouldn't be admitting this after signing the contract, but I can't help but shake all the nagging doubts that I've made a huge mistake.

I mean, I know that, artistic urges aside, my commercial work not only provides a pretty good life for me and my family, it also gives me plenty of time to do, well, whatever I spending quality time with my loved ones, travelling, wood working, or making art. So what if I only do it for the money?! That is, after all, why they call it work.

Conversely, I have to wonder to what degree the business of selling art will interfere with the process of actually making it. My hope is that, by dedicating such a large portion of my time to the gallery, I will, by default, feel more inclined towards perpetuating more artistic ventures just by being around it.

If this proves to be true, then even if I fail, I will have still gained. If, however, I become so caught up in the administration of selling that I no longer have the time to actually produce anything new, then this whole idea will have become an abysmal failure, possibly of both time and money.

These voices likely won't go any time soon, especially with so far still to go.

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