Sunday, April 21, 2013

Bittersweet Sunday

As fate would have it, a random seed planted a couple years ago has chanced to sprout in Los Angeles, where I will be bound to the sun within 24 hours.

...and so begins the whirlwind.

Trips don't usually begin to seem real until I start trying to figure out what the hell will go in my suitcase. Having to give up an opportunity in Dubai last year because of an unexpected soccer injury reminds me that nothing is certain. Happily, however, the flip side to this fact, is that anything remains possible when you're open to it.

But wouldn't you know. The moment I begin to feel excited about the fact that I am actually going, I realize that I will go a full week without any of my current Daddy duties. One might easily make the argument that not starting your day by having your lips twisted or drool pooling in your ear would be a good thing.

But it's kinda' like going full frame: once you have it, I don't think you can ever go back. All the joys simply make all the lip twists and small sacrifices seem to evaporate.

It's somewhat of a personal revelation that I'm  more torn about leaving my daughter for a week, than I am excited about going on a new adventure on my own. From someone who's happily traveled alone so long, it's hard for me to believe that a force so strong has come along to change all that.

Miss her already.

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