Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Still on the Mission

If I'm ever going to truly make it as an artist, something has to change. With current commercial commitments until the end of 2014, making time to dedicate to my personal work always seems to fall to the bottom of the to-do list.

2013 could be the first in many year that I will not have at least one exhibition by the end of the calendar.

I realise it sounds odd to complain. Over the next couple months, my commercial work shall see me in seven more countries including China, Abu Dhabi, and Thailand. By all accounts, I suppose many photographers would consider travelling around the world from behind the camera as the ultimate success.

This may all be true, and to be honest, I would say I actually like most of my work and almost always find it quite rewarding on a personal level.

But still, I know that no matter how good I may become as a commercial photographer, how much money I stand to make, or how many stamps I get in my passport, no success can scratch the itch of simply wanting to express my own voice as an artist and to do something above and beyond what I am otherwise known for.

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