Friday, April 12, 2013

Anne Morris Waxes Poetic

           The Swan

                             Swift the passage of that proud grace,

that awesome wonder of triumph and tragedy

that ravages the tumultuous river of Time,
                              Cloaked in silken white,
pristine and pure,
velvet soft down masks her sinewy strength,   
merciless cruelty,  fierce courage,
                              A juggernaut of lust and power,
inflicting  pain, enduring suffering,       
majestic in grace,
ravishing in beauty,
fearsome in savagery,
navigating chance currents,
treacheries unforeseen ,
terrors unknown,

In solitude she sails,
a prisoner,
locked within the inevitable flow of Time
                               that bears her to the sea,

Alone ,
the arch of her  neck regal and  proud,
she glides on and  ever on,          
opening her throat in the glory
of her one and final song ,
                                she's gone,
     vanishing forever
         in darkening waters,
                   descending night.

by Anne Morris

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