Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Blind Eyes, White Lies & the Three Truths

I love pub-induced debates that drunkenly stumble down verbal spirals on things like the theoretical differences between reportage and. documentary. Three inebriated photographers waxing poetic can be a very amusing, if not impassioned, thing.

In regards to the matter, I don't recall who said it, but his quote remains, "There are 3 truths: your truth, my truth, and the truth." Even looking at my work, I think it's pretty obvious which truth I'm prone to. The hardcore and the haunted can have all the other stuff.

In the meantime, bar stool semantics can continue to split hairs on the same head, while the only difference that matters in my eyes, is the most beautiful divide between that which aims to captures reality, and that which aims to defy it.

It would appear, my dear, that I am stuck between the two:)


This message is brought to you by the fine makers of Krušovice, or something equally tall, cold, and yummy.

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