Saturday, December 14, 2013

20 to Tulum

Looking back at what is almost the end of the year, I would say that expression seems to come in waves. Art, music, prose, and even inspiration all need their time in the spotlight to evolve. The revolving door, through which they often arrive unannounced, is always open to the next muse, whomever she may be.

For now, it's nice that she has returned to the page.

Looking ahead, I can't help but wonder what opportunities will appear once we switch time zones for warmer climates:))

Would be awesome to run into Clarence and Alabama if they're still sharing the same coast. You never know;) The last time I was in their neck of the globe, little Elvis was only 8. He' must have 2 decades on him by now!

Oh, como pasa el tiempo;)!

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