Well, the official gallery opening is a few days behind me now. The September sun is shining, and the afterglow of what was an amazing night affirms that the evening was worth it, wherever it goes from here.
There are so many people that were essential to its success, but it feels like I've thanked them in public and private ad nauseam. They, or you, know who you are and that I will be forever grateful.
Overall, I have to say that, print sales aside, the whole exhibition, and the journey leading up to it, has been everything that I hoped for, and maybe more. New friendships have been made; momentum rebuilt; talents discovered; and stakes claimed.
(I know I've had my moments of self-doubt and darkness along the way, but I believe these moments are simply part of the journey, and make the destination all the more worth it.)
Whatever form the gallery takes from here, I hope that the magic of August 27th 2016 does not become lost, and that the seeds planted this evening will grow in ways and places yet unforeseen.
I shall continue to do my part to grow a piece of the Prague photo community and remain a humble white belt in the journey that has lead me from those humble pinhole beginnings, to here and now.
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