Sunday, June 22, 2014

Out of the pot, into the pan

Have been home for three days now, and likely another three away from finishing all my post-production from the prior 47 days. To say I'm running on fumes is an understatement impossible to properly quantify.

China, Singapore, and Madrid were all blurs... China being the low-point considering the complete and total communication ban in light of the Tienanmen anniversary (read: no email, YouTube, Google, Facebook), and the final weekend in Madrid as the high-point. Thank you Plaza Major.

It's ironic that I had been counting down the days until I finally get to settle back at home and enjoy the summer without having to get an another plane, but then, when has Plan A ever gone according to Plan A?!!

At least this time Z and Lora will get to join me as we board the plane together, which we'll be on in exactly a week, bound for a few weeks in Toronto. Despite my brother's fairly strong sales pitch, even a week ago there was no convincing me we would make the trip this year. That said, parenthood puts things in a whole new perspective:

Just as there isn't anything I wouldn't do for my daughter, I realize more than ever the sacrifices my own mother has made for me over the years. If it's her wish to see her grand daughter, then who am I to deny?

And so the whirlwind continues....

Sunday, June 8, 2014

37 down, 10 to go!

Doha, Qatar, Day 37

Departure day!!!! I decided to celebrate my last night with a proper steak and a few pints. Oh, the luxury:)) It's amazing how, after two weeks of drinking almost nothing but bottled waster, 3 pints of beers has me feeling like a ninth grader doing beer bongs in the high school bleachers. The euphoria of the subsequent buzz was probably not well served given the strangely sleepless night (and stupid facebook posts) that has followed, but considering I still feel well enough rested, so worth it!

Despite my glee at leaving this place, I do have to admit that I feel a shameful sense of missed opportunity here. Given that this place might as well be on the other side of the galaxy, there are no doubt photo opportunities here seeped in exotic tradition beneath the desert sands and Gucci veils I have yet to even sniff. I could survive cost of living for a little while, but that heat?! From that heat, there is no compare, and no escape.

No escape that is, until 2:00 pm today when I board the plane to Guangzhou!!