Thursday, November 27, 2014

Plan X

The new direction I have begun to take on the road from Plan A has become a Rubik's cube of possibilities that are inspiring as they are intimidating and humbling.

Feeling enlightened one day and in the dark the next, my creative compass moves between what appears to be a straight path to the new collection, and totally unexplored territories far off any personal map.

Surprising even myself, I have put down the mouse and picked up the paint brushes, pencils and crayons of my childhood, and resigned my camera as a tool to simply capture, for a world in which I feel far more propelled to create.

Reconciling ability with ambition, however, is no easy feat when at the bottom of a new learning curve, and made even trickier while trying to connect them to a personal style I have spent years defining and refining.

(Combined on top of my usual Daddy duties and running StarBright, it's no wonder why I haven't seen my pillow before 2:00 am since we got back home almost three weeks ago!)

Where exactly it will go from here is still a bit of a mystery. What I do know, however, is that I have opened a door that I'm not sure I can ever totally close. Both my perceptions and expectations have changed and I have no doubt that the evolution will be for the better.

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