Friday, November 28, 2014

Turning point

Until a couple hours ago, it felt like today had been laboriously, and painfully, unfruitful. Ten hours between Daddy duties, and not a pixel was sticking. In a self-defeating moment there, I even began to question whether I've confused tunnel vision with being blind.

But then, one never knows when inspiration will come knocking:)

In some midnight moment of divine intervention, the visual path that has eluded me has become suddenly illuminated under exclamation marks that finally provide some type of visual clarity.

However that path continues from here, at least an overall direction is definitely beginning to appear, and with it a new voice, and new language I've only begun to learn. It's been no easy feat connecting old dots with new tools and techniques, but after tonight, I feel more and more actually capable of such a radical departure.

The question, as always, is where it will go from here.

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