Sunday, June 22, 2014

Out of the pot, into the pan

Have been home for three days now, and likely another three away from finishing all my post-production from the prior 47 days. To say I'm running on fumes is an understatement impossible to properly quantify.

China, Singapore, and Madrid were all blurs... China being the low-point considering the complete and total communication ban in light of the Tienanmen anniversary (read: no email, YouTube, Google, Facebook), and the final weekend in Madrid as the high-point. Thank you Plaza Major.

It's ironic that I had been counting down the days until I finally get to settle back at home and enjoy the summer without having to get an another plane, but then, when has Plan A ever gone according to Plan A?!!

At least this time Z and Lora will get to join me as we board the plane together, which we'll be on in exactly a week, bound for a few weeks in Toronto. Despite my brother's fairly strong sales pitch, even a week ago there was no convincing me we would make the trip this year. That said, parenthood puts things in a whole new perspective:

Just as there isn't anything I wouldn't do for my daughter, I realize more than ever the sacrifices my own mother has made for me over the years. If it's her wish to see her grand daughter, then who am I to deny?

And so the whirlwind continues....

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