Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Prague Impressions - Now or Never

After countless hours, and much blood, sweat and smoke, I have set the date for what will be my first show in Prague after almost 5 years. It would appear old skeletons from the past have begun to haunt me, so if I'm going to take this leap towards my Art, it's hard not to feel like it's now, or never.

As risky as it seems, considering the always painful expenses of December, I shall put every spare penny and every spare minute I have into making this the best show I know how. In poker terms, I'm "all in". If it pays off, I will be able to breathe a little easy over the winter. If it doesn't, well, it may just turn out to be longer and colder than even last year.

Either way, the time has come. Prague Impressions must be let free.

Invitations to follow!

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