As always, it seems like time is moving faster than I. More has happened since my last entry here than I can remember, let alone recount, but Lora astounds me every day and makes me want to live life to the fullest. I'm amazed at how little means so much, and how much can seem so little.
Home has been a pretty long plane ride from work for a good six of the last ten months, as I flip the double-edged sword that both gives and takes from my family. While together, we have camped under wild skies among bears and wolves, and spent mornings on pause, inventing stories about zebras and monsters while we roast leaves on imaginary fires to warm infinite tiny fingers.
Above all commercial gain, and all artistic expression, it should be said that those little zebras and fires of fatherhood are the masterpieces of life that no art can fully imitate. Of this, I finally understand, and resign.
Regretfully, I truly wish I made more time to record all the steps in between... but then again I suppose there should be little to complain about that when life is has than the container that I can fill it with.
On a personal, more creative note, it has been almost one month since I took the phone out of my clients' hooks to pursue a new Autumn Collection, but the clouds persists, as do the green leaves that show no sense of time.
Either I will get lucky with a new forecast before time runs out, or I will be forced to move in other directions... which may ultimately find something deeper than what I was originally looking for.